Choosing The Best Cladding Suppliers

If you are looking for external cladding, brick slip systems or any similar kind of cladding , it pays to buy from the right cladding supplier. Working with the right suppliers is essential for any building project. But, what do you need to consider when searching for the right cladding suppliers? Here are a few things to bear in mind…

A Knowledgeable Company

The cladding supplier you work with should be knowledgeable about all aspects of cladding. They should be able to advise you on which product is most suited to your needs and they should be able to help you calculate how much product you need.


The best manufacturers will have in place certification to ensure that the product will perform as you would expect and meets the current legislation, such as a BBA Certificate.

It is also essential that the manufacturer is honest about any changes from the standard product will affect both its performance and certification.

Foe Example, FastClad products have been certified as having a minimum service life of 60 years, but this is absolutely conditional on it’s installation being in accordance with the certifying body’s installation guidance.


Installation training has become a key part of our customer offer, and ensuring that your site team are fully informed as to how our products should be installed, this we lead to a service life that will far outstrip that of our certification.


All of our materials are sourced from the best manufacturers, and our factory is managed to a Quality Assurance Plan, which is agreed and six monthly audited by the BBA to ensure quality is not compromised.


How External Cladding Can Improve Your Next Building Project