Plumbers Row Penthouse Project

Location: Whitechapel, London
Cobstar Limited
Architect: PH+ Architects


The Plumbers Row project in Whitechapel, London, involved the ambitious addition of seven penthouse apartments atop an existing block. This innovative development combined architectural excellence with structural ingenuity, showcasing how modern materials and construction methods can be utilised to expand urban living spaces while maintaining aesthetic and structural integrity.


Structural Challenges and Solutions

Adding multiple levels to an existing structure presented unique challenges, including accommodating increased loads and ensuring aesthetic compatibility with the existing building. Metsec’s lightweight structural steel frame was chosen as the primary construction method, offering the strength and flexibility required for the project while minimising additional weight.

To manage the increased loads from the new apartments, additional steel columns were installed internally within the existing structure. These columns transferred some of the new loading down to new foundation pads at ground level, ensuring stability and compliance with structural standards.


Brickwork and Cladding

The external façade was designed with a combination of materials that balanced durability, aesthetics, and modern design sensibilities. FastClad Brick Slip Systems played a crucial role in achieving this. The project utilised Caprice Mirato Stock bricks to ensure a seamless integration with the surrounding architectural style.

Key features of FastClad used in the project:

  • Special External Angles and Soffit Returns: FastClad bricks were precisely cut and bonded to form intricate external angles and soffit returns, allowing the design to maintain clean lines and consistent aesthetics.

  • Brick Soffits: Lightweight yet durable brick soffits were integrated into the design, showcasing FastClad’s capability to create non-structural features that mimic are indistinguishable from traditional masonry.

  • Pre-Bonded Panels: Factory-bonded panels enabled efficient installation with no on site bonding, reducing the time and labour required on-site.


Complementary Features

To enhance the modern appearance of the building, the brick façade was complemented with aluminium powder-coated panels. The combination of brick slips and metal cladding provided a contemporary yet timeless look, ensuring the new penthouse apartments harmonised with their urban surroundings.



The Plumbers Row project is an excellent example of how FastClad can be integrated into complex urban developments, providing both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits. Its lightweight design and innovative features allowed the architects and contractors to overcome significant structural challenges while delivering a high-quality finish. This project highlights FastClad as a go-to solution for lightweight, efficient, and attractive building facades.


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